
Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013


Garut, August 2013
Dear, Personnel Manager TRANS TV

My name is Kipan Mulyana, I am 22 years old, Male. I am graduated of Communication Sciences Faculty University of Garut ( UNIGA ) with majoring Public Relations ( S1 )  in Garut  with GPA 3,63. I am interested in joining with your company to be one of your Public Relations considering with my qualification above, for further details I also enclose my curriculume vitae of my self.
I am considering as energetic person, honest, hard working, discipline, good personality traits, strong motivated and have strong educational background not only in formal education but also informal education as well.
Would you please give me an opportunity to meet you to interview into my qualification and join your company so that you can reach me at the address above or please contact me into my mobile number 0898-675-2354, 0852-2210-8638 or into my e-mail or
Thank you for your considering

Best Regards,

Kipan Mulyana

Appendix : Resume

Highway Cikajang Kab.Garut
West Java Province
Telephone 0898-675-2354, 0852-2210-8638.

Professional Purpose              : Public Relations
Name of University                 : University of Garut, Garut City, West Java Province
Faculty                                     : Communication Sciences
Majoring                                 : Public Relations
Grade Point Average ( GPA)   : 3,63

Graduate                                 : 2013

Campus                                   :  
1. To be Public Relations of Event Campus “ Colour Full in February “ 2010
2. To be Public Relations of Event Campus “ Fikom Beraksi, Srikandi Berkreasi,  
Gapai Prestasi “ 2010.
3. The Chief BEM FIKOM UNIGA period 2010-2011.
4. The Chief Executive of Charity Care Merapi Jogjakarta 2011.
5. The Chief Executive of Workshop Movie Kab.Garut at 2011.
6. Responsible Person of OSPEK FIKOM  2011.
7. Responsible Person of  Seminar HIV-AIDS and Parade Music 2011.
8. The Chief Executive of Charity Care UNIGA 2012.
9. The Documentation of OPEN HOUSE FIKOM UNIGA 2013.
10. The Chief Executive of Katini Day with Chocodot 2013.
11. The Cameraman of Event Graduated of Uniga 2013.
COMMUNITY                          :
1. The Member of Madridista Garut.
2. Marketing Of Bale Photography Garut.
3. The Documentation of Event “ Garut 2 Abad with Kadin” 2013.
4. The Seconde Winner of Event Photography Contest Chocodot 2013.
Skills                            :  Photography, Computer  ( Ms.Office, Photoshop, Adobe
    Premiere Pro ) , Protokoler , News Writing, Drawing.
Hobby  and Interest     : I like Communication, Marketing, Organization, Public
   Relations, Event Organizing and Reserch as well.

1. Participant of Entering New Wave And Problem Solving Broadband Garut.
2. Participant of Garut Digital Imaging And Photography Workshop with John
Tefon Garut.
3. Participant of National Lecture Series-Modul Kewirausahaan Mandiri Bandung.
4. Participant of “ Gerakan Kewirausahaan “ Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta.
5. Participant of “ Seminar Refleksi, Orientasi, Visi dan Aksi Garut 2 Abad “.

ALI' IMRAN Ayat 18-20

     Dalam ayat ini menjelaskan tentang Pernyataan Allah tentang keesaan dan Keadilan-nya serta agama yang dirihoi-Nya.
    Allah menyatakan bahwa sanya tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Dia, dan para malikat dan juga orang-orang yang berilmu pun  menyatakan hal yang demikian, dan dalam ayat-ayat ini bahwa tiada agama yang di ridhoi di sisi Allah selain agama islam, bagi orang -orang yang telah diberi ilmu pengetahuan oleh Allah ( al-kitab ), mereka sudah mengetahuinya namun karena kedengkian dan keras kepala maka orang-orang tersebut berselisih maka turunlah Nabi Muhammad  shallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam kepada mereka, maka mereka mengetahuinya dengan sebenar-benarnya, namun masih ada saja orang-orang yang tidak mempercayai hal tersebut karena kedengkian, kezaliman dan kekufuran mereka sehingga menghalangi dari mengikuti kebenaran, dan Allah akan mengisab orang-orang tersebut, dan kemudian Allah berkata kepada Nabi Muhammad bahwa barangsiapa ada yang mendebatakan tentang Islam maka katakanlah jika  kau mau masuk islam maka kau termasuk kedalam orang-orang yang diberi petunjuk, dan jika masih ada yaang meperdebatkan hal tersebut, Nabi Muhammad hanya berkewajiban untuk menyampaikan nya ( Ayat-Ayat Allah ). Dan Allah Maha Melihat akan hamba-hamba-Nya.